The American Swiss Foundation's mailing address has been updated. Please save the following address for all future correspondence:
American Swiss Foundation, c/o Marcum LLP, 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017.


ASF Organizational Chart

The American Swiss Foundation has four committees of the ASF Board: the Executive Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Finance and Audit Committee, and the Programs Committee. Two of the committees, the committee of the Corporation and the Alumni Committee, are comprised of majority non-Board members.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of the Chair, Co-Chair, Vice Chair, Chair Emeritus, Chair of the Finance Committee (Treasurer), Co-Chairs of the Programs Committee, Co-Chairs of the Alumni Committee, and the Secretary.


Robert J. Giuffra, Jr.

ASF Chair

Markus U. Diethelm

ASF Co-Chair

Hon. Edward T. McMullen, jr.

ASF Vice Chair

Steven Hoch

ASF Chair Emeritus

Chair, Nominating Committee

John Tuttle

Chair, Finance and Audit Committee

Greg Field Price

Co-Chair, Programs Committee

Eunice Zehnder-Lai

Co-Chair, Programs Committee

Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Andrew Hutchinson

Co-Chair, Alumni Committee

Alex Pieper

Co-Chair, Alumni Committee

Srishti Gupta Narasimhan


Nominating Committee


Steven Hoch


Jesse Kimball


Srishti Gupta Narasimhan


Finance & Audit Committee


John Tuttle


Philipp Albers


Terri Burns


James Hauslein


Dr. Manuel Rybach


Programs Committee


Gregory Field Price


Eunice Zehnder-Lai


Thomas Skelly


Paul Smyke


Cameron Wendt


Alumni Committee

The Alumni Committee activates the ASF's network of Alumni by organizing Chapter launch events around the United States and Switzerland. The AC works closely with the Programs Committee to put together exceptional programming. This committee is comprised of majority non-board members. The ASF's definition of Alumni includes alumni of ASF programs like YLC, but also encompasses alumni of Board and Advisory Councils.

Alumni Committee Chairs

Alex Pieper


Andy Hutchinson



American Committee Members

Gina Conti

(Vice Chair)

Pierce Bush


Emily Clise


Joseph Howell


Mike Lake


Annie Presley


Swiss Committee Members

Alex Pieper


Deepak Mohan*

(Vice Chair)

Annina Bosshard


Sunnie Groeneveld*


Chloé Fässler-Higgins


Lena Harding


Erich James Hoesli


Matthias Howald


Marco Issenmann


Tamara Soyka


*Denotes a dual national

Stratton Prize Committee

The Stratton Prize Committee is comprised of the Co-Chairs and Members.

Dr. Srishti Gupta Narasimhan

Co-Chair, Stratton Prize Committee

Mike Lake

Co-Chair, Stratton Prize Committee